What I Read in September 2022 - And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

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What I Read in September 2022

September 30, 2022

What I Read in September 2022 - And Other Adventures Embroidery Co


September was a productive reading month. Got through a 3 fantastic books, an okay book, and one that I wanted to throw across the room.  Hope you find at least one book to add to your TBR pile.

Sparks Like Stars – Nadia Hashimi (A)

This book will easily be in my Top 5 reads of the year.  I loved the beautiful writing, the narrator, and the haunting storyline. I learned so much about Afghanistan and its history before and after the Soviet Invasion of 1979, as well as what tipped Afghanistan into decades of conflict.  I felt like I was able to walk in someone else’s shoes for a while and learn from and empathize with their experiences.  This is a lovely, sad book about grief, loss, and the grit it takes to keep going when so much has been lost. This book will stay with me for a very long time. Also, this would be a fantastic book club read. 5/5 stars


The Great Alone – Kristin Hannah (A)

Wow, does Kristin Hannah make you feel all the feelings or what?! Half love letter and half cautionary tale about Alaska mixed in with her complexly raw and beautiful characters and you get one hell of a story.  This one spoke deeply to my everlasting yearning to just get away from it all and live a quiet life in the woods.  This book is going to stay with me for a while.  I did only give it 4 stars though because I feel like it was a bit too long and dragged a bit towards the end.  But overall, it was a great read! 4/5 stars  


The Ex Hex – Erin Sterling (A)

I do not understand the hype and high ratings around this book.  I picked this book up thinking it would be a fun, easy read especially right before Halloween season.  So let just say that my expectations were not high for this book.  But oh my word… this was one of the dumbest and most ridiculous books I have ever read.  I gave up about 50% in because it just kept getting worse and worse. Clearly, I am not the demographic for this one.  Did Not Finish 


The Last Flight – Julie Clark  (B)

Another mystery thriller.  The story is about two women who are strangers and are both running from bad situations and hoping to disappear forever. They meet at the airport and swap IDs and plane tickets not really knowing what they are about to get into. The story started out so strong, but I found myself getting bored about half way through. 2.5/5 stars


Iona Iverson’s Rules for Commuting – Clare Pooley (A)

Well, this book was absolutely delightful. The audio narration was top notch! It just so charming with British quirky characters that are relatable.  Overall an uplifting and heartwarming story reminding us all of the importance of connection and friendship.  5/5 stars  


B – Physical Book

A - Audiobook

As always, you can see a consolidated list of all my book reviews HERE.


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