Leaf Stitch Tutorial (with video) - And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

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Leaf Stitch Tutorial (with video)

September 01, 2019

Leaf Stitch Tutorial by And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

There are so many different ways to create embroidered leaves. But for today, we are going to keep things simple with a Leaf Stitch Tutorial. 

Leaf Stitch Tutorial by And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

How to embroider leaves by And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

How to do Leaf Stitch by And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

Leaf Stitch created by And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

Leaf Stitch Tutorial by And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

For the purpose of teaching, I have drawn a leaf with a straight line going down the center.  I find this to very helpful for beginners, but is not necessary once you are confident stitching leaves.

1. Create your first straight stitch.  Bring your needle up at the top of the leaf and bring it down about 1/3 down the line. 

2. Bring your needle up at the top of the leaf directly next to, but a little bit lower on the outline of that very first stitch.

3. Then take your needle and bring it down on that center line just below your previous stitch.

4. Next you will repeat that same stitch process on the other side of the leaf, creating a symmetry.

5. Continue this same process, ping-ponging from side to side, as you work your way down the leaf following the outline.

AOA blog - Leaf Stitch Video by And Other Adventures Embroidery Co


  • This stitch is very forgiving.  So if you don't get your stitch perfectly symmetrical, it is no big deal and actually kind of fun as you see how those "mistakes" create different looks.
  • To create variations of leaves, try making that first straight stitch longer or shorter.
  • Once you get the hang of this, try creating a leaf with more jagged edges or change the outside curve of the leaf or make an asymmetrical leaf.

 To read through all the other stitches in my library, click HERE.

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