Do Good, Be Good Rainbow - Beginner Hand Embroidery Kit in Rust - And Other Adventures Embroidery Co

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Do Good, Be Good Rainbow - Beginner Hand Embroidery Kit in Rust


At the beginning of each year, my family comes up with a mantra of sorts that we use to guide us through challenges/goals/adventures that we have coming up in that year.  For 2020, our mantra seems to have chosen us. Based on conversations that we are having a lot around the dinner table, we have deemed this will be the year of “Do Good, Be Good”.  This phrase means something a little different for each one of us – but the overall theme is that doing good is rarely in the form of grand gestures.  Instead it is often in the smaller, everyday acts of kindness, speaking truth, and relying on your internal compass that encourages you to do the right thing always, but especially when it is hard.  To learn more about the story that inspired this design, you can read that here.

This listing is for the  "Do Good, Be Good" hand embroidery KIT that includes the following:

  • Pre-printed cotton fabric
  • 5-inch embroidery hoop
  • Full skeins of DMC embroidery floss
  • Embroidery Needle
  • A stitch guide that includes tutorials and tips and tricks
  • link to my online stitch tutorials

Pattern, Design, all photos and content are ©And Other Adventures. This kit is for personal use only and you may not sell products made from this kit. Do not sell, distribute, photograph, or reproduce this pattern, guide or instructions in any way. Distribution of this pattern in electronic or hard copy is prohibited.  All rights reserved.